Why getting regular chiropractic treatments might save you money in the long run

Once you start seeing a chiropractor you have to see them forever’, ‘I feel fine, why should I get treatment every month?’ or ‘You only need a chiropractor if something hurts’ are some common sentences that I have heard about chiropractic care. I know I’m biased but personally, I find it strange that some people don’t see the need to come in for regular maintenance visits when on the other hand they regularly get their car serviced every 6 months, or always update their computer software. The body is far more complex and precious than a car or electronic device, and I feel that we owe it to our bodies to service it regularly so they work optimally, thereby minimising the risk of injury and/or pain further down the track.

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This is one of my favourite sayings because it is so true. We know that maintaining your health can be costly. Gym memberships, dental check ups, skin checks, eating a healthy diet…none of this is cheap, but compared with time off work, medical bills and the physical and emotional costs that you encounter when you get chronically ill, it is a price that I happily pay for myself and my family.

A lot of people come to see us once something hurts or is dysfunctional, and it’s great that they try to get on top of things, but there is not a lot of awareness that regular check-ups with a chiropractor can potentially avoid getting to that stage in the first place.

Regular treatment by a chiropractor can:

  • Improve posture

  • Boost the immune system

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Help with energy levels

  • Assist with better and deeper breathing

  • Reduce stress levels

  • Prevent injuries

  • Assists the body with healing

  • Reduce digestive problems

  • Lower blood pressure

Some of these benefits can be achieved after only one or two visits however, some chronic injuries or issues may take some time to resolve. Just bear in mind that the cause of chronic issues has often taken years to build up so the expectation of it being resolved in only a few sessions is not very realistic. You need to invest some time, effort, and patience to get your body back to the way it is supposed to function.

I hope this article has made it a bit clearer why we recommend regular maintenance appointments for all our patients.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’re happy to chat.

Take care,




Adam Gavine